Saturday, May 17, 2008

More About Teaching

I realized today why I love teaching. While working at the learning center, I had a student for the last hour that needed some help with his algebra two homework. He was struggling. Said his teacher told him to not pursue a program next year that required that he take an advanced math class. His focus was drama, but he really seemed interested in this program. He was having a really hard time with algebra, but the stuff he'll be doing is probability and statistics! I worked with him only for an hour, but found him very easy to explain things to. He seemed to be missing pieces to the puzzle, but once I explained things he seemed to 'get it'. The light bulb turned on. THAT is why I teach. Watching his face, listening to him tell me that I have no idea how much easier it is now that I have cleared up a few things or put it in a different way than he has seen it before and that now he gets it. He was so excited. I was really happy to have worked with him. I was trying to decide if I shoudl go back to teaching... I've been out of it for a while, I haven't managed my own classroom in a long time and wasn't sure I wanted to. But after helping this kid, after seeing his reaction... I know this is what I need to be doing.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Teaching Math!

Now that we are home from Hawaii and recovered from jet lag... I want to go back! I am by no means a photographer... but really, you can't take a bad picture there! It's amazingly beautiful. My kids are excited about the idea of going to see it. My cousin is closing on a house soon... The initial pictures show a big beautiful home... we can't wait to take over for a little while :)

Yesterday I learned that I only need to take the Praxis 2 and the VCLA tests in order to be licensed in Virginia. Prior to that I learned that I have to get 2 years of full time teaching in (part time doesn't count) in order to retain my Arizona license. I have two classes to take to remove the deficiencies in AZ. So it's faster and easier to get licensed here in VA then try to do the reciprocity. And apparently they need math teachers so desperately that they will hire me while I'm studying for the tests. But I should be able to at least complete the tests this summer. There's a job fair at the end of the month. It states on the site to bring all of your credentials and dress for interviewing, that they may offer contracts on the spot! So I guess I'm heading straight for my kids' school. Yeah, I know that they would like that MORE than anything else in the world (can you hear the sarcasm in my voice???) but it would be convenient :) I could try to work at one of the other schools in their district so when they play against the school I work for I can yell for both :) There are three districts right in the area so I have some choices. I've already put in online applications for the three districts. We'll see how things go.I haven't worked full time in a looooong time. And I'm not really a morning person. But I do love teaching, so I guess I will adjust.

I will still keep soaping. I love making soap. I will keep the business running too. I will just have to manage my time better.

There is about a month left for school for the kids. That sure went quickly! Summer is already all filled up with plans of travel. Visiting with family, a trip to the beach and some golf. We should probably invest in a company that produces sunscreen since we'll be going through tons of it! I have family members that have dealt or are dealing with skin cancers... so I would be a bad girl if I didn't include a link to info on protecting your skin!

I plan to start production of soap made with organic ingredients. It's not going to be certified organic, but all of my ingredients are either certified organic or grown naturally and processed carefully. The packaging is ecofriendly as well. I found a supplier for some beautiful papers. My molds are even made of recycled plastic! I will be starting with a spicy blend of cinnamon and cloves and some other ingredients. Yummy! I also want to make another batch of Walnut Spice that I made for the holidays, I had a special request for it.

That's it for today... I need to go find sign up for those two tests for my VA license! Have a good one!