Went out this evening to check on my fish and the new plants I just got from my MIL... this is what I found... at least EIGHT frogs! AND there are eggs! Check out these bullfrogs. We have never had a pond before we came here and we're having a lot of fun with the 4 Koi, 10 feeder goldfish, and 8 frogs we have in our pond. We had 6 large goldfish, but after we removed the net from the fall and winter, they disappeared. I think they were kidnapped by birds and maybe raccoons. We have put in new plants, more fish (less space per fish means they don't grow so big?), and now with all of these frogs... maybe the nasties will stay away.
Last week my neighbor helped me rescue a box turtle that was wandering down the middle of the street. He brought him to the backyard and we released him. I didn't get any pictures of him... but we got a bunch of the frogs... my kids call them Herr Frosh and Frau Frosh... Mr. and Mrs. frog. :)
I hope you enjoy the pictures!
STEPH!!!!!!! I was SO happy to see you at my blog. I have thought about you SO many times, but after Mark messed all my email up, I am totally lost!!!!
I love your fabulous frog photos! They are really great....would be terrific printed, framed and hung in the bathroom!
How cool your pond sounds. I would love a pond, but Mark just keeps reminding me of all of my current duties and, well.....
Once again, so good to see you. Gotta bookmark your blog!
I'll be posting more pictures from our travels around Europe once things settle down. I love visiting your blog, you take such wonderful pictures!
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